While I was there I decided to finally get a tattoo! I have had a design planned for a few years and a couple Christmas' back, Troy even got me a tattoo as a gift, just told me I needed to decide what, where and when and he would take me and pay for it. Well, the time never seemed right and I couldn't decide. Just after Troy's death, our dear friend Bob got a memorial tattoo for Troy, it's a beautiful koi fish on his right shoulder. It was a tribute to their band "Pilot Fish." The artist is a friend of Bob and Candice's and I thought it only appropriate that since Troy was born in Rapid City, we met there and his ashes are in Hermosa that this was finally the right time and place to have my design come to life.
Below is a picture
. The significance of the Compass Rose is that it is a directional symbol on a map or chart, Troy and I sailed and traveled numerous places, had many adventures and journeys...and mine continues. The West represents the Pacific, the East the Atlantic, the North for Alaska and the fleur de lis is the symbol on our wedding bands and I asked for the southern point to be elongated to resemble a standard cross. What else I love is that the "W" and "E" spell...WE. I also requested the colors green and blue because they are the colors of the Earth and the gold for the fleur de lis as a star.
I hope you think it's as beautiful as I do!
PS: As you can see by the picture, it's on the center of my upper back (I left in the sexy bra straps so you can tell the size!).