Saturday, February 2, 2008


Gary asked me to post the story below and also the picture of him and Troy in the Zodiac. I took the liberty of also including photos of Gary with some "local girls" in Ketchikan, Gary at the helm and also on the bow of the sailboat. If you can't see his ear-to-ear smile in each picture than you must be blind!

Troy and I so enjoyed Gary's visit with us that week - he is a very willing and eager crew member and we could hardly get him away from the helm. My other thrill that week was that Troy and Gary celebrated my 32rd birthday with me in one of my favorite places on earth: Taku Harbor. It was also that morning that we saw the Orca family swimming alongside our boat. Who could have asked for better gifts?

Gary, I hope that together we add more adventures to our lifes' stories. I would be delighted to travel anywhere with you and I know Troy would want it for us, too.

Love always,
Your daughter,

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