Yesterday I attended two therapy sessions - one private Acutonics (see: session combined with acupuncture and one group Gong Attunement. It's hard to even put into words the different feelings I experienced from both these appointments. I definitely felt a freeing sensation and with my eyes closed could see clouds of gray particles leaving my body. I suppose these were the negative energies and/or bad thoughts, etc. I know all this "new age" stuff is a little weird for some of you, however, it sure seems to be helping me and at this point in life I make no judgements!
I was reminded that energy is a valuable thing and that the positive energy we have is meant for our mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Try to keep those negative thoughts out of your head and out of your life! I'm going to do my best...Also, surround yourself with positive people and events and don't forget to laugh.
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. ~Frederick Keonig
I love that quote. I'm trying to remember that.